Friday, December 4, 2020


Dec 4, 2020 - The comfort of Max and Buddy can be immeasurable sometimes. 

I have 34 stitches mending a nine inch incision on my head, lovingly described to look like a Rawlings baseball and a Frankenstein monster. I'm readjusting pillows throughout the night attempting to comfort my black lace braids, and yet I'm in denial.

Recent Photos

Dec 2, 2020 - A sunny day, hot coffee from home, and my beautiful, smiling gal.

Dec 3, 2020 - A cat nap in her 12th floor room before heading home

Dec 3, 2020 - Nancy decides to "Choose joy!"

Dec 4, 2020 - What a great coffee morning together, and it's already past 10:30


  1. Thinking about you tonight and loving you. As a baseball lover, I choose that analogy, and will be praying Rawlings lets you get some sleep tonight!

    1. I actually did have a Rawlings moment last night, and your sweet face came to mind! Love you! - Nancy
