Saturday, December 12, 2020

In the Quiet, God Speaks

"Hand I Hold" - artwork by @sfale_designs
In the quiet, God speaks

In the softness of the rain, God nurtures

In the companion, God consoles

In the raging waves, God shows His strength

In the warm sun, God brings His light

In the deep dark forest, God whispers

In the pain of life, God calls

In the written word. God enjoins

In the soft heart, God reveals himself

In the soul, God breathes life

In death, God calls us home

poem by Kenneth Mitchell Severn

Recent Photos

Dec 12, 2020 - Judy Sanderson blessed Nancy's day with a sweet visit!

Dec 12, 2020 - Tim came over for some time with Mom (and help look for Karen's Christmas tree)


  1. What a beautiful poem Ken! You are definitely a “word artist” as Nancy claims! The picture is beautifully drawn. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Lovely poem, Ken.... Thank you for sharing. Thinking of you all, with love.

  3. Ken, with tears in my eyes,I read your beautiful poem to my Ken. It spoke such deep peace to our hearts. We pray that you and Nancy continue to experience God's intervening love each day.

    1. Thank you, Holly and Ken. Yes, God is at work, and He knows what He is doing.
