Tuesday, December 22, 2020

From Tammy L

God's tapestry of abundant care for us is revealed in many ways. The notes and stories sent to me are certainly part of this. The following is from my dear friend, Tammy.

As I’m reading the final Book in my Favorite Book-The writer, John, is also reminding us to FINISH WELL. Now you, beloved, are our 20th-century reminder🙂. Rev.1:9 tells us ‘he was exiled for preaching about Jesus’. I wondered, what can this fine man do-now that he is exiled. WELL LET ME TELL YOU, perhaps some of his best writings were done during the most trying times this apostle ever faced. The words of exhortation & encouragement have spoken loudly through generations. Patmos was perhaps his best platform. THEN, I prayed for you~ God has given you a new/untraveled platform~cancer. This could be your greatest mission. You are shining! You are Finishing well! Your words will live on. THANK YOU for being my teacher. But dear friend, God could give you a marathon-many miles ahead. He is not finished yet. Lace-up those shoes-keep stepping with JESUS. “BLESSED ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS!” (You have Good smelling feet)🦶You have an army of friends walking with you. You do not travel this path alone❤️~Tammy

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