Tuesday, March 30, 2021




  1. voluntarily leave a job or other position.
    "he resigned from the company in protest of the treatment of his co-workers"

  2. accept that something undesirable cannot be avoided.
    "she resigned herself to a lengthy session"

  3. reconcile oneself to

  4. become resigned to

  5. become reconciled to

I’ve been out of school (work) and on leave since October 12, 2020 and my FMLA period expires in a few days. Since I am unable to return due to this bittersweet journey Ken and I are on, I wrote a letter of resignation today, as I “accept that something undesirable cannot be avoided” and resign myself to this change as well. So many changes.

It is with much sadness, grief, and struggle that I write this letter to inform you that I must resign from my position with the Cedar Grove Belgium High School upon the expiration of my FMLA period. Thank you for the wonderful years together and the joy I received from being a part of a team that is making a difference in so many young lives! Although I am no longer walking the halls, helping out in the classrooms or at lunch, my commitment to relationships will always continue.

Of the people that know me, most have said there is something different about me; I would say that thing is my ever-present sense of eternity. When it comes time to die, make sure all you have to do is die. I like to live with a clear conscience and short accounts. My faith in God, and these practices, have given me a life full of joy. Small things matter. The small things add up to your days. The way you spend your days is the way you end up spending your life. 

Blessings to you all.

We frequently think we are in control of our lives, when really we aren’t. The sooner we resign ourselves to that fact, the less struggle we will have with it. Then we can reconcile that God really does want what’s best for us, and He is in control, no matter what life looks like.

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Big Falls County Park, east of Eau Claire, WI