Tuesday, March 16, 2021

God's Many Hands

Nancy and I wish to address the amazing team of people chosen to participate in this life-changing display of God’s mercy and loving kindness towards us all, and say ‘thank you’. To meet with each of you face-to-face in this experience has truly been a blessing to so many, far beyond the two of us. It is God’s hand, and His breath, that keeps us and sustains us. It is God that directs our paths, even when it seems there is no path at all. God is faithful, and trustworthy, always!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. -- Proverbs 3:5-6

We continue to pray for all of you as God uses your hands as instruments to His Glory while we walk on this bittersweet journey together. 


Wade Mueller, MD

Max Krucoff, MD

Kaitlyn Mark, PA-C

Neuro Oncology

Fernando Santos-Pinheiro, MD

Sarah, RN

Megan, RN 

Radiation Oncology

Joseph Bovi, MD

John Longo, MD

Musaddiq Awan, MD

Candice Johnstone, MD

Nancy, RN 

Amy, RN

Katie E, RT

Kara B, RT

Natalie M, RT

Vicki V, RT


Kim G, ST

Katie S, PT

Dawn N, OT


Stephanie S.

Social Work

Jacqueline Grams

Aesthetic Wellness Coordinator at Small Stones

Luanne M

Greeter at the West Bend Cancer Center


The many others who we failed to mention, or have not yet personally met.

Thank you!

Dr Max Krucoff, MD (left)

Kaitlyn Mark, PA-C

Dt Fernando Santos-Pinheiro, MD

Dr John Longo, MD

Luanna M, AWC at Small Stones West Bend

Kara B, Natalie M, and Vicki V, Radiation Therapists

Katie E, Radiation Therapist


  1. Love this.....you both are shinning lights for the Kingdom of Christ! Love you both! JG
